Sunday, August 5, 2007


Great video from YearlyKos Presidential
candidates forum from TPMtv:
TPMtv: YearlyKos Presidential candidate forumTPM:
I may not have made it to Chicago this year, but I've learned a few things from the tubes about what the Democratic presidential candidates were up to at YearlyKos:
* Hillary Clinton's defense of accepting contributions from lobbyists was probably the day's most controversial comment (Watch the video). She seemed to get to the right answer, but it took a couple of tries.

* John Edwards was in his element today.

* Barack Obama was excellent in his private off-the-record session -- so much so that he probably shouldn't have been speaking off-the-record. ...

* Chris Dodd was clever enough to hit Rupert Murdoch and Bill O'Reilly in a single answer. ...
More Presidential Leadership Forum video HERE.